13 Jun GDPR and enterprises: an advantage. But…..
A global NetApp research has shown that IT decision makers in the United States, United Kingdom, France and Germany believe that GDPR compliance is positive for their business in terms of competitive advantage.
But while almost half (44%) believe that adhering to the GDPR would improve their position among the competitors, the enterprises that are truly ready for it, despite the fact that the expiration date has already passed, are much less than that: almost two thirds (61%), for example, are not ready to satisfy the requirement of personal data anonymisation.
Despite this, the research shows that a high level of preparation has been reached in the last two years.
The main results show that:
– 44% of those interviewed believe that GDPR will offer their company a greater competitive advantage
– 63% declares that their data infrastructure is ready for the personal data encryption requirements imposed by the GDPR, but 61% are not yet “anonymization ready”
Compliance with the GDPR is based on a complex set of requirements, which will influence companies differently.
The survey results show that two of the most commonly cited elements – anonymisation and the ability to inform authorities of a data security breach within 72 hours – are currently the least respected parameters by businesses, while the possibility to encrypt data is one of the requirements for which companies are readier. According to Alexander Wallner, NetApp’s Senior Vice President and General Manager EMEA, companies have realized that they have a lot to gain from a thorough review of their data management practices and, thanks to an enhanced competitive advantage, the application of the GDPR requirements is a win-win situation for both companies and consumers, for many years to come.