16 Mar Italy- Coronavirus- updates march 16
Dear All,
Principal Relocation Company wants to provide you an update in regard to the situation of the Coronavirus. The latest Decree introduced by the Italian Government to contain the spread of the Covid-19 (Decree 11/03/2020) is still valid and the Italian population is called to respect it.
As a reminder for you all, the current norms to respect are the following:
The recommendation is “Stay Safe, Stay at Home”
Individuals must remain at home and limit any transit as much as possible. Transit is only permitted in one of the following scenarios:
- Serious health reasons
- Primary necessity (buy food, medicines)
- Job reasons
- Going back to the residential or domicile place
Individuals who are moving in/out or within the City Hall must be in possession of a self-declaration clearly stating the reason of the movement. You can download the self-declaration form on your smartphone/iPhone at the following link: https://autocertificazionespostamenti.it/
The Authorities have recently informed that – in cases of serious health reasons for a relative living abroad, the individual can leave the Country. Based on the destination Country and the local regulation implemented by the Government, the individual can be subject to a quarantine period (minimum 15 days).
Furthermore, we want to remind you that:
All shops are closed during the day/night. The only exceptions are listed below:
- Pharmacies and prepharmacies
- Tobacconists
- Supermarkets
- Newsstands
In any case, the security distance between people (at least 1 meter) must be respected.
- All catering (including bars, restaurants, pubs, ice-cream shops, bakeries) are closed. Company canteens can remain open if they are able to guarantee they can keep a distance of at least one meter between customers and workers. Home delivery is allowed. Food shops in petrol stations, train stations, on highways, in airports and hospitals will remain open as long as they can guarantee the security distance of 1 meter.
- Services such as hairdressers and beauty parlours will also be closed.
- Banks, insurance & financial offices will be open with a limited opening hour.
- The agricultural industry will remain active.
- Public transportation (including ses, trains, airplanes) may be reduced or cancelled
The Italian Government is working to prepare and issue a new Decree to support the financial and economic situation of the Country. The Decree will be likely issued today.
Principal Relocation Company since the very beginning of the emergency, in order to safeguard the wellbeing of its staff and clients, has implemented the BCP and continued delivering services through virtual & remote assistance.
We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you all informed.
Kind regards,
Gianluca D’Anna
Chef Executive Officer