06 Dec Milan: capital of the millennial managers
It’s a well-known fact that Milan is the capital of Italian managers, as 32.8% of private senior (or upper) managers work there, 37.4% of which are women and 31.9% are men. But it’s even more so the capital of the Millennial senior managers. Infact, when considering the under 40 category throughout Italy, 41.1% (3.469) of them work in the province of Milan: 42.5% men and 37.6% women within this age group.
There are 8,451 Millennial senior managers in Italy today (7.5% of the total): 6,090 men (6.5% of the total men) and 2,361 women (12.2% of the total women). With Milan in the lead, here are the other cities in the top 10 with the most Millennial senior managers: Rome (1,430), Turin (371), Verona (209), Brescia (186), Varese (171), Bologna (164), Bergamo (108), Genoa (97) and Florence (96). Of course, the numbers of the under 40 managers aren’t really that high but, to alleviate the fact that Italy is not exactly a country for young people, one must consider that the ‘managerial position’ entry age in this country is precisely around 35.
Also, if we look at the numbers of mid management, the level that precedes the upper/senior managerial level, there are 60,816 under 40’s in Italy today, that’s 13.6% of the total. Therefore, when put in perspective, Milan’s primacy is destined to consolidate and grow as it also leads the helm with regard to mid management Millennials, who will be tomorrow’s upper management class. Currently 37.4% of the under 40 private mid managers work in Milan, 36.1% of which are men and 39.7% women.
In short, in order to give way to young people, also among the managerial roles, we must look to the Lombard capital, as always, now even more than ever.