| The Power of Positive Beliefs in the Workplace

| The Power of Positive Beliefs in the Workplace

“It is your vibrational thoughts that give life to the goals you wish for.” – Stephen Richards

I have long believed that the power of a negative staff member can be much more influential that than of a positive one. A complainer and someone who sees the world and life as a negative place can really drag down other staff members – this resulting in lower productivity and a general sense of discontentment.

Some Examples of a Negative Belief System Include:

  • Self-defeating ways of acting – no get-up-and-go and generally looking at life from a very pessimistic point of view.
  • Counterproductive ways of thinking that may help in the short-term, but ultimately do not bring any long-term solutions or positive results.
  • Limited, outdated, unrealistic views of oneself that result in low self-esteem and lack of ambition.
  • Believing that one is powerless to enact positive change and that success is for others.
  • The belief that the world is hostile and people are always out to get you.

Promoting Positive Beliefs in the Workplace
Promoting a positive workplace takes work and will not happen overnight – a conscious effort has to be must be made on a daily basis to keep moral up and to reinforce a positive belief system in your colleagues. One of the best ways I believe to do this is to create a self-development library in your office where employees are encouraged to read and watch positive and motivational material – resources that really promote a “can-do” attitude and a sense of gratitude.

  • What are the Benefits of Positive Beliefs in the Workplace?
  • Greater productivity and better problem solution skills
  • Enhanced credibility in oneself
  • A major reduction in toxic emotions such as guilt, anger, and frustration
  • Heightened clarity with regards to distancing oneself from the problem to find the solution
  • Cultivation of a greater sense of humor
  • Increase of self-worth leading to a greater sense of responsibility
  • Increase in sense of purpose leading to valuable ideas and respected contribution
  • Deeper comprehension of the “win-win” concept

Taking the time to promote positive beliefs in the workplace pays enormous dividends. Concrete results include; increased sales, higher quality customer service, increased goal and target accomplishments, and last, but certainly not least, a happier environment to work in. I encourage you to take the Thirty-Day challenge, which is very simple:

  • If you don’t already have one – create a self-development reference library
  • Each day a staff member has to contribute an idea to improve the company
  • Lunch together to discuss ways to increase the quality of service and work within the company
  • Anyone who is excessively complaining or being negative must buy everyone coffee!

Take the time to implement these simple changes and I am sure you will be ecstatic at the results that you’ll get. Don’t forget to drop me a line to let me know how you get along!

Damien O’Farrell